skillet Care
Tips for using your skillet
Congratulations! By purchasing cookware from Heart & Spade Forge, you will enjoy decades of cooking from your skillets. Each skillet is finished with a preliminary seasoning using coconut oil. For the first couple of uses I encourage adding a touch of extra oil and a spritz of nonstick cooking spray to facilitate the seasoning process. Given time, your skillet's color will darken to a black patina. This shows that the skillet is well seasoned.
Preheat the skillet slowly. Once you can feel the heat as you hover your hand over the pan, the final heat can be applied. Remember, a spritz of nonstick cooking spray never hurts!
Rinse with mild soap (such as palm Olive soap). Dry on the stovetop. While still hot, wipe down the skillet with oil and continue heating until the oil just starts to smoke. Turn off the heat and leave the skillet on the burner to cool slowly. Once cool, the surface will be shiny and glassy, ready for your next meal!